Friday, March 2, 2012

Post-Genocide Rwanda

1. Ways that genocide impacted the development of this "developing" country is that there was not really a government until 2000. Also, families lost so much and they didn't have places to live, money, or food. So this impacted it because the country has to like take a step backwards and start over. With the country developing, there has also been impacts such as people not helping to stop the genocide and people having to cope with things.

2. The rebuilding of a country that's shattered by genocide I think, starts with the people. They need a government so that genocide will never happen again, but the government needs to listen to everybody. The people can help each other out with food and such. Those who don't have things need people that are willing to help them out, and if everyone is helpful then things will go smoother. The government can help rebuild the country by building the buildings that people need, like hospitals, houses, etc. This would make jobs for those who don't have jobs. The international community could help them by supporting them with materials such as food, water, building materials, etc. The international community could also help with helping them build the right government.

3. Justice can be found in post-genocide Rwanda because the government has punished those who should be punished, they made trials for those people also. Even though the trials take a long time, there's still justice and the government tries to deal with things.

4. Community courts can bring justice to the people of Rwanda more effectively because it will be focusing more on the people in that country. It won't be involving other countries, this will help the country with justice and building it's own country. People in Rwanda might not want other countries involved, they might just want to fix things as a country itself.

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